That Nochella life is a struggle..

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent staring at my phone in ultimate FOMO mode from all the Instagram photos posted from the ultimate desert music festival.  And to add insult to injury, all the parties attended by social media elite (somehow that is a thing now) and I couldn’t have scrolled fast […]

Brunch is a cult and I’m into it..

So I basically live for the avocado.  I devour a decent amount, considering they are currently going for around $3.50/avo, which is kinda crazy when moving from San Diego where Trader Joe’s sells them in packs of four for the same price, is a little disheartening.  But it hasn’t really stopped my consumption of the […]

Biker chic, without being scary..

So it’s the start of Seoul Fashion Week and I’m racking my brain of outfits to wear to the shows.  I’m super excited because it’s my first fashion week living in Korea.  Asia is known for their beyond crazy designs and stylistic ensembles, so I feel people watching is going to be epic more than […]